15 Senior Living Competitors in 3 days

Have you ever visited all your assisted living competition in a couple of days? Maybe your first thought is that you are too busy? Or you just need to keep working hard and the occupancy will go up? Well I ran this competition marathon two weeks ago in Salt Lake City and it was a real eye opener.

Here are some of the areas that were of particular interest to me:

What did the exterior look like as I drove up?
What kind of shape was the landscaping in?
How was I greeted when I entered?
Was I welcomed with a smile and handshake?
Was I offered any refreshments?
Did they have a “wow” lobby/entrance?
Did the marketer just ask fact questions or did they interject feeling questions too?
Did they introduce me to anyone on the tour?
Was it a “wow” tour?
Would I want my own mom to live there?
Would I want to eat with my mom in their dining room?
Were the apartments rent ready?
Would my mom like the apartment and the view from it?
Could I sleep at night, knowing my mom lived there?

Now it was evaluation time… How did all of the above impressions compare with my communities? There was some room for improvement…but I walked away proud of my marketing teams. I encourage you to run the marathon now…

Diane Twohy Masson is the author of Senior Housing Marketing – How to Increase Your Occupancy and Stay Full.