When is the Ideal Time to Move to Senior Housing?

Do you know a friend, family member or a senior neighbor who is struggling in their home?  Have the day-to-day basics become too much?  This video shares some tips on discovering the right time to start exploring senior housing.

Amazon review for: “Your Senior Housing Options.”

Diane provides encouragement to plan ahead and instruction on how to navigate retirement living options. Her personal trials and breadth of experience in the field allows her to identify pitfalls to watch out for and questions to ask. I found this a very readable book that is extremely helpful for retirees and their loved ones with the desire to chart the course for retirement living success.

“Your Senior Housing Options,” is designed to help seniors and their boomer children to navigate choices quickly in crisis mode or preferably while planning ahead. Learn more tips at: Tips2Seniors.com

Proactive Senior Plans Ahead at 73 Years Old

Learn the reasons why a 73 year old senior would plan ahead.  After living in a 55-plus retirement community for 15 years and watching neighbors struggle as they age, she and her husband wanted to live in a supportive environment that offers future health care.

Develop Talent – Invest in Yourself and Your Team!

Develop Talent – Invest in Yourself and Your Team!

  • Great book to review for senior living teams!

    Great book to review for senior living teams!

    Do you study how to improve your talent in senior living?

  • Are you improving your mind on a regular basis?
  • What books are you reading to improve your attitude?
  • Do you have time to take a lunch?
  • Are you scheduling rejuvenation time?

Or is it easier to say, “I am too busy!” And you work through lunch again?

Burnt out employees in senior living can become cranky and irritable. It can affect the quality of service to senior residents.  The grouchiness can wash into home life too.

Do yourself a favor and invest in yourself and your team.

Start a new book review with your senior living sales or operations team. Read one chapter a week or two chapters a month. Select a book and have each person apply the principles in each chapter to his or her senior living position.

One of my teams is reading, “Senior Housing Marketing – How to Increase Your Occupancy and Stay Full.” Its focus is written for retirement communities, but the principles can easily be converted to assisted living, skilled nursing or memory care communities. Feedback from teams on a nationwide basis has insisted this book has helped their occupancy grow.

My sales teams are currently reading, “How I Raised Myself From Failure to Success in Selling,” and, “The Greatest Salesman in the World.” “The Greatest Salesman in the World,” book has you read a scroll three times a day for one month before you move onto the subsequent scroll with the next principle. This is the third time in my life reading this book daily for 10 months. Each time it changed my life in a positive significant way.

Start growing yourself and your team! Watch your attitude soar! The occupancy will follow in an upward direction. It is guaranteed!

Diane Masson has worked in senior housing for 18 years and is the regional marketing director for two debt-free Continuing Care Retirement Communities in Southern CA (Freedom Village in Lake Forest and The Village in Hemet).  Her first book “Senior Housing Marketing – How to Increase Your Occupancy and Stay Full,” is being utilized by senior housing professionals across the country.  Both her first book and second book, “Your Senior Housing Options,” have 5-star ratings on Amazon.com.

Tips to Evaluate Mom’s Memory Care on a Long Distant Visit

Tips to Evaluate Mom’s Memory Care on a Long Distant Visit

Amy cleaned her plate!

Amy cleaned her plate!

Can you ever trust a retirement or assisted living community to take care of your mom better than yourself or a family member? Long distance relationships are never easy. Add dementia and hearing loss to the story and long distance communication with a senior parent is impossible.  

The only way you really know if your mom or dad is okay is to have eyes on them for yourself. My husband just went 1000 miles by plane, two hours by car and a 20-minute ferry ride to visit his mom, Amy. One year ago, she was hospitalized after her husband had a heart attack. After the trauma of her husband (who was her caregiver for five years) being hospitalized, she eloped and the police had to bring her home. Amy is now in her third licensed assisted living community.

How do you evaluate the care of your senior parent? What should you be looking for or asking about on a one-day long-distant visit?

First, how does mom look? Is her hair washed? Are her clothes clean? Do the other residents look well cared for? The answer to all of these for my mother-in-law was good and yes!

Can she feed herself and how much can she consume? Always stay for at least one meal. My mother-in-law ate three plates of food over four hours by herself and asked for dessert. A year ago, she never wanted to eat, so this was a huge improvement.

Does she know your name? Can she hear? How does she communicate with the caregivers? My mother-in-law introduced my husband (her son) by his full name to a caregiver and said, “This is my number one son.” It was difficult for my husband to communicate with his mom in the dining room, it had too many distractions and was too loud. One-on-one, she could communicate and hear better. Plus, the caregivers actually bent down to talk to her – very nice! 

What is mobility like? Is it better or worse? Invite them for a walk to determine the current status quo. The memory care layout can be shaped like a square inside. So they can walk all the way around the square without going outside. Amy and my husband walked it 25 times. She always used her walker and this was a huge improvement.

Observe the activities or it’s even better to become engaged with your dementia parent. Unfortunately not one activity happened at the memory care community on Saturday. One activity was scheduled and it never took place.

Watch the caregivers’ treatment and management of the other residents. This better be good or you need to move your parent ASAP. Amy’s caregivers were super. They treated all the residents well and managed an entire room full of dementia residents simultaneously.

Here was the report card for Amy and the memory care community.

  • Cleanliness of all residents: B+
  • Taste of food: B+
  • Communication with mom: C  (The severity of her hearing loss is dictating this score.)
  • Caregivers interacting with residents: B+
  • Activities offered: D+  (They did offer to paint her nails or it would have been an F.)
  • Building layout and community spaces: A  

Some of you may want a care conference to meet the key staff like the administrator and the nurse. You can learn exactly what types of care they are providing and details about medication management. We had one of those a few weeks ago, so my husband wanted to spend all his limited time with his mom. 

You have to see mom or dad for yourself. Please have one local relative with eyes on your senior. We are so lucky that my sister-in-law does a super job with this. Her regular visits have improved Amy’s mind, attitude and appetite.

Good luck with your long distant visit and hopefully these tips will help you.

If you have a long distant parent, please share your experience in the comment section.

Diane Masson is a senior living expert who has authored two 5-star rated books. Her new book is an all-encompassing answer guide for seniors called, “Your Senior Housing Options,” designed to help seniors navigate choices quickly. The second book was written for senior living professionals called, “Senior Housing Marketing – How To Increase Your Occupancy and Stay Full.”   Learn more tips at: Tips2Seniors.com

Summary Video of “Your Senior Housing Options!”

Here’s a quick summary of “Your Senior Housing Options,” including the costs and consequences from tips2seniors.com. It walks you through a dementia scenario including all the choices for a vulnerable senior. This video can empower an independent senior to plan ahead or help an adult child put their parent in a quality senior community.